What is NBB Pay?
NBB Pay is a digital payment app that allows users to store money electronically and conduct financial transactions using a mobile device anywhere and anytime within Belize.
Who will be able to use NBB Pay?
- Individuals over the age of 16 with a valid Belize-issued Social Security Card
- Businesses operating locally in Belize
How do I sign up for NBB Pay?
You can sign up for NBB Pay by downloading the NBB Pay application from Google Play Store or Apple App Store on your mobile device and following the sign up procedures. Alternatively, you may visit any NBB Branch or Customer Service Centre and our friendly representatives will assist in the sign up process.
What type of phone is needed to access the NBB Pay app?
The NBB Pay app will be accessible through any Android or IOS device.
What is the difference between merchants, vendors, and consumers?
Merchants are any natural or legal person that uses NBB Pay to accept payment for goods and services and/or uses NBB Pay to pay for goods and services from suppliers.
Vendors are individuals engaging in a micro-sized business and use NBB Pay to accept payment for goods and services and use NBB Pay to pay for goods and services from suppliers. A micro business is a business having fewer than 5 employees of less than $50,000 investment in equipment.
Consumers are individuals that use NBB Pay to send/receive money and/or make payments to merchants/vendors using the eWallet.
Can I have a personal eWallet account and a merchant eWallet account?
Yes you can. The NBB Pay Consumer and Merchant applications can be downloaded separately.
Can I have more than one consumer wallet?
No, only one Social Security Number for one NBB Pay eWallet account is allowed.
Can I convert my consumer wallet to a merchant wallet?
Your consumer wallet cannot be converted to a merchant wallet or vice versa. You’ll need to apply for two separate accounts if you need one for your business.
Do I need a bank account to use NBB Pay?
No, you do not need a bank account to use NBB Pay as a Consumer or Vendor.
Do I need a website to use NBB Pay as a business?
No, you do not need a website to use NBB Pay. You will be able to generate QR codes from your NBB Pay app to request payment from customers. If you have a social media page, you will be able to upload your QR code for customers to scan and make payments.
Will I be able to access my NBB Pay wallet on the web?
No. The wallet can only be accessed through the NBB Pay app on a mobile device.
Where can I use my NBB Pay Wallet?
A list of all NBB Pay Merchants and Vendors across Belize will be made available in the app and on NBB’s website. You can also send funds to or receive funds from other NBB Pay wallet holders.
Can I use NBB Pay outside of Belize?
NBB Pay will be exclusive to Belize at this time.
How secure is the NBB Pay
The NBB Pay app security feature includes PIN locking and fingerprint locking.
How can I load my NBB Pay wallet?
Loading of the eWallet can be done through an NBB Pay-registered Merchant or NBB Branch Offices. National Bank of Belize customers will be able to load their wallet online using iBanking, while other banks’ customers will be able to load their wallet by transferring from their bank accounts to NBB using the existing APSSS service.
Is there a minimum balance for the eWallet?
No, there is no minimum balance to maintain.
Can I transfer to another eWallet service provider?
No, you can only transfer to NBB Pay wallet holders. However, you can transfer from any bank account to your NBB Pay Wallet and vice versa.