Savings Accounts
Helping you to reach your savings goals!
Regular Savings Account
Features:Deposit your funds in a savings account that earns interest on easily accessible funds.
- Interest earned on minimum balances of $250.00 or more.
- 2.5% interest paid semi-annually
- Free and Easy access to your online statements
- Free transfers between your accounts
- Access to debit card and ATM withdrawals
- No monthly service charges or hidden fees
- Valid Social Security Card or Passport
- Recent light/water bill / cable or internet bill (not older than 3 months)
- $25 minimum to open
Savings Checking
Features:- Easy access to funds while earning 2.5% interest paid semi-annually (February and August)
- Interest earned on minimum balances of $250.00
- Customize Checkbook (wallet & desktop size)
- Free and Easy access to your online statements
- Free transfers between your accounts
- Access to debit card and ATM withdrawals
- No monthly service charges or hidden fees
- Valid Social Security Card or Passport
- Recent utility bill
- $200 minimum amount to open account